[. . . ] 9. CXONE-AL_C-V4/AL_D-V4 OPERATION MANUAL SYSMAC CX-Programmer Ver. D-V4 Operation Manual Revised July 2010 OMRON CX-Programmer ­ Operation Manual About this Manual (W446): This manual describes the operation of the CX-Programmer and consists of the following three parts. · Part 1: CX-Programmer This part describes the CX-Programmer software that is a PLC Programming Device, and also provides the overall precautions and the version upgrades information. Part 2: CX-Server PLC Tools This part describes the CX-Server PLC Tools software, which is a collection of the following components: PLC Memory, IO Table, PLC Setup, Data Trace/Time Chart Monitor, PLC Error, Memory Card, PLC-Clock, and CX-Net Network Configuration (including Data Link Editor and Routing Table). · Part 3: CX-Server Runtime This part describes the CX-Server software that is a communications middleware. [. . . ] A class of devices that share similar properties, each group can be sub-divided into device types. A type of OMRON automation device, either a PLC, Temperature Controller, Memory Card Writer or PROM Writer. A window asking for some form of response from the user, usually in the form of either entering requested information, selecting displayed data, or confirming an operation. A program file that although cannot be run stand-alone as an executable, can be utilized by one or more applications or programs as a common service. The act of moving an item on the screen by selecting it with the mouse, and keeping the mouse button depressed, moving the mouse until the item has reached the required location. The software that controls the communications between a computer and PLC, translating any information passed between them into a format that the receiving Device can understand. The method of transferal of data (and possibly instructions) between applications via the establishment of reference links between them. Part of a program that interacts with the user and takes full advantage of the graphics displays of computers. Like all Microsoft Windows based applications, CXProgrammer has a GUI. Hardware or software employed to link the elements within a system, including networks, programs and computers. A part of a PLC set up which contains definitions of the physically connected inputoutput boards attached to the PLC (i. e. An attribute of a symbol that shows how the address is mapped to physical hardware. CX-Programmer can show an address mapped to an input or output card with a `I' or `Q' prefix respectively. A file format supported by the CX-Programmer. CX-Programmer _Page 142 OMRON PART 1: CX-Programmer GLOSSARY OF TERMS - CX-Programmer Memory Card component Microsoft Excel Microsoft Windows Explorer Microsoft Windows Monitor mode Network Offline OLE Online Output Output instruction Output window PLC Error component PLC Memory component PLC Setup component PLC Point Program Program memory Program mode Project project workspace Rack RAM Reset Run Mode Rung Section The CX-Server application, as utilized by CX-Programmer, manages the file storage to and from PLC memory cards. A windowing environment that is noted for its GUI, and for features such as multiple typefaces, desk accessories (such as a clock, calculator, calendar and notepad), and the capability of moving text and graphics from one application to another via a clipboard. DDE functions communicating with other applications supported by CX-Programmer use Microsoft Windows as a basis. A PLC operational mode that allows the device, during normal execution, to review the condition of the Data Link (including the PLCs/nodes on that link). A number of computers linked together with a central processing point known as a server that is accessible to all computers. Networks affect CX-Programmer in that further Network associated options are available if the computer is Network connected. The status of a device when it is not being controlled by a computer (although it may be physically connected to it). Used to transfer and share information between Microsoft Windows based applications and accessories. The status of a device when it is under the direct control of a computer. [. . . ] It can be read and, for CV-series PLCs, written to by the CX-Server software. Root group The highest level group in a CX-Server project. CX-Server Runtime_Page 90 Revision 2. 0 Node number OMRON PART 3: CX-Server Runtime GLOSSARY OF TERMS ­ CX-Server Runtime Rotary switch Routing table Routing RS232 RS422 Serial Connection Server Slots Stop bits Symbol SYSMAC LINK SYSMAC NET SYSMAC WAY System area System configuration Tagged database Target PLC Taskbar TCP/IP Temperature Controller Temporary Relay Area Text Timer area Toolbus Tools Transfer from PLC Transfer to PLC UDP Unit number Units Revision 2. 0 Indicates the method of calling a device by generating a series of pulses. A table containing the information necessary to allow communications between different networks including local and gateway network address details. The direction of data across a network from its source to its destination. [. . . ]